Classifieds Week of April 27, 2023

Classified Ad Rates — MINIMUM RATE (In Hale County) — $6.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20, 52¢ per word. Payable in advance of publication. — MINIMUM RATE (Outside Hale County) — $9.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20, 65¢ per word. Payable...
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Nixon named new 4-H director for Hale and Perry

The Perry County Extension Office is pleased to welcome Stephanie Nixon as the new 4-H Regional Extension Agent for Hale and Perry Counties. Mrs. Nixon is a resident of Sawyerville and a graduate of the University of Alabama. She is a former 4-H Volunteer Leader and former Hale County Library Director. She is passionate about...
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FMS Running Rams have strong showing at Wetumpka track meet

The Running Rams track and field team participated in the Wetumpka Speed Meet on April 22, 2023. The women’s team showed impressive performance and secured the 4th position out of 17 teams. Meanwhile, the men’s team achieved a commendable 6th place. Several athletes from the Running Rams stood out in their respective events, earning valuable...
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Cathy Johnson Crawford

Cathy Johnson Crawford, 59 of Greensboro, AL passed away peacefully on Thursday, April 20, 2023. She was born on August 21, 1963 in Alabama to Eldridge Wayne Johnson and Eara Evelyn Duncan Johnson. She was preceded in death by her parents and her granddaughter, Addie Zane Hinton. She is survived by her husband, Russell Inge...
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Robert Raymond Henry

Robert Raymond Henry, 72 of Sawyerville, AL, went to his eternal home on April 20, 2023. He was born on October 29, 1950 in Tuscaloosa, AL to Britt Dease Henry and Frances Gertrude Cook Henry. He was an operator for Southern National Gas. He was preceded in death by his parents. He is survived by...
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Martha Ellen White

Martha Ellen White, 74 of Marion, AL went to her eternal home on April 22, 2023. She was born on February 8, 1949 in Marion to Hayward Hobson and Dorothy Simmons Hobson. She was a loving mother and housewife. She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, Dean White. She is survived...
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