Opera House event May 12 to feature work of Bethany Engle
As the next event of its Encore 2023 anniversary celebration, the Greensboro Opera House will hold an Art Show featuring paintings by Bethany Windham Engle on Sunday, May 21st from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Bethany Engle is a noted artist, who for most of her life lived, worked, and taught in Tuscaloosa but now resides... Read More
Greensboro Bicentennial tour June 10-11 will feature historic homes, locations
Greensboro Alabama Business and Tourism Association announces the Greensboro Bicentennial Tour on June 10th and 11th 2023. In conjunction with the celebration of Greensboro’s incorporation as a city in 1823, this two day event will showcase over twenty historic homes, churches, museums, and other places of interest. President of the association, Stephen Barnette Jr, explains... Read More
4-H plans summer fishing competition for Alabama youth
Alabama 4-H invites you to make a splash this summer with the 4-H BIGGEST Catch, a virtual fishing competition. The contest is May 26 through June 5, and all Alabama youths ages 9 to 18 are welcome to participate. Emily Nichols, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System natural resources specialist, said this competition is a fun... Read More
Volunteers plan Memorial Day cleanup day at Marion Cemetery, donate or attend to help
Members of the Marion Cemetery Association, Inc. Board will decorate the cemetery Saturday, May 27, 2023 with flags to honor all our service members interred there. Decorating will begin at 9:00 AM on Saturday. (If rain delays us we will decorate Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM May 28, 2023.) Our flags were donated by the... Read More
Legal Notices Week of May 18, 2023
Legal Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS HVAC REPLACEMENT FOR PERRY COUNTY SCHOOLS FOR THE PERRY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MARION, ALABAMA PROJECT #22-268 Sealed proposals as described above will be received by Dr. Marcia Smiley, Superintendent, at the Perry County Board of Education, 200 W. Monroe Street, Marion, AL 36745, Phone: 334-683-4144, until 2:00 PM Central... Read More
Classifieds Week of May 11, 2023
Classified Ad Rates — MINIMUM RATE (In Hale County) — $6.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20, 52¢ per word. Payable in advance of publication. — MINIMUM RATE (Outside Hale County) — $9.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20, 65¢ per word. Payable... Read More
Legal Notices Week of May 11, 2023
Legal Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS HVAC REPLACEMENT FOR PERRY COUNTY SCHOOLS FOR THE PERRY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MARION, ALABAMA PROJECT #22-268 Sealed proposals as described above will be received by Dr. Marcia Smiley, Superintendent, at the Perry County Board of Education, 200 W. Monroe Street, Marion, AL 36745, Phone: 334-683-4144, until 2:00 PM Central... Read More
SBI names Scott-Goldsby as suspect in murder of Nickson, GPD says second arrest made
A 23-year-old Hale County man has been arrested in connection with the murder of Nicholas Nickson, 27, of Sawyerville, whose body was found outside Griffin Mandela Apartments in Greensboro on Monday, May 1. Keoviance Kentrell Scott-Golsby, also from Sawyerville, was taken into custody on Tuesday, May 2, by Special Agents of the Alabama Law Enforcement... Read More
Greensboro Bicentennial tour June 10-11 will feature historic homes, locations
Greensboro Alabama Business and Tourism Association announces the Greensboro Bicentennial Tour on June 10th and 11th 2023. In conjunction with the celebration of Greensboro’s incorporation as a city in 1823, this two day event will showcase over twenty historic homes, churches, museums, and other places of interest. President of the association, Stephen Barnette Jr, explains... Read More
Running Rams bring home three state titles
After two grueling days of competition under both rain and blistering heat at Cullman High School, the Running Rams celebrated their success as the AHSAA 2A State Runners-Up in the girls’ division and 5th overall in the boys’ division. In comparison, the Running Rams had placed 9th in the girls’ division and 17th in the... Read More