Hogan arrested in Perry for burglary, criminal mischief

Authorities in Perry County arrested a local man, Leroy Hogan III, on charges of Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree and Third-Degree Burglary. They booked him into the county jail, where he remains held on a $2800 bond. Arrest records confirm that state law enforcement apprehended Hogan on June 20, for an incident that allegedly...
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Marion man indicted, charged with making terrorist threats

Marvin Heard of Marion was arrested on December 5, 2022, and now faces charges including making terrorist threats, menacing, and possession of a firearm by a person forbidden to carry one, according to court records from Perry County. The case, under Circuit Judge Collins Pettaway Jr., was filed on June 27, following Heard’s indictment on...
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Classifieds Week of June 22, 2023

ClassifiedAd Rates — MINIMUM RATE (In Hale County)— $6.00 per insertion, 20 words or less.All words in excess of 20, 52¢ per word.Payable in advance of publication.— MINIMUM RATE (Outside HaleCounty) — $9.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20,65¢ per word. Payable in advance of publication.Card of Thanks, Birthday...
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Marion celebrates Juneteenth on courthouse square with free barbecue, games, activities, more festivities

Marion celebrated the Juneteenth holiday on the town square surrounding the Perry County Courthouse for the second annual barbecue. Also dubbed, Citizens’ Appreciation Day, the celebration caps off a weekend of Juneteenth festivities, including a Juneteenth celebration in Uniontown on Saturday, June 17. Promoted by County Commission Chairman Albert Turner, Jr., free food was provided...
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