Classifieds Week of Sep 14, 2023
Classified Ad Rates — MINIMUM RATE (In Hale County)— $6.00 per insertion, 20 words or less.All words in excess of 20, 52¢ per word.Payable in advance of publication.— MINIMUM RATE (Outside HaleCounty) — $9.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20,65¢ per word. Payable in advance of publication.Card of Thanks,... Read More
Emily Kynard
Emily Kynard, who had served for 20 years as Director of Berean Baptist Head Start in Marion, retired from the position recently. Kynard’s retirement capped off more than 30 years of service. Pictured above at the retirement celebration are Emily Kynard (right) and the new Director of Berean Head Start, Destiny Lapsley-Scott.
Citing conditions favorable for wildfires, Ala. Forestry Commission issues statewide Fire Alert
The Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) has issued a statewide Fire Alert effective immediately. While under a Fire Alert, permits for outdoor burning will be restricted. Anyone who burns a field, grassland, or woodland without a burn permit may be subject to prosecution for committing a Class B misdemeanor. This burning restriction is being issued because... Read More
Celebrating 50 years, Greensboro Farmers’ Co-Op plans ‘Fall Day’
The Greensboro Farmers’ Cooperative is set to mark its 50th anniversary with a special Customer Appreciation Day/Fall Day Event. This event, scheduled for Friday, October 6th, will commence at 6:00 am. The Co-Op, which traditionally holds a Spring Day each year, has introduced this Fall Day event in honor of its golden jubilee. Attendees can... Read More
Opinion: Marion must accept ADEM funding to bring repairs to city’s struggling water
Dexter Hinton, Mayor of The City of Marion, has been notified by ADEM the City of Marion has been granted Phase I and Phase II grant funding for upgrading the city water system with Phase II promised upon the completion of Phase I. A total of $9,200,000 with only a very small percentage of that... Read More
Numerous infrastructure projects in Black Belt delayed due to political infighting
Hale and Perry County residents, along with the broader Black Belt region, have been anticipating significant infrastructure projects in their area, particularly the construction of the West Alabama Corridor. However, a series of disagreements and funding disputes have raised concerns about the future of these projects. The West Alabama Corridor, a major initiative that includes... Read More
Singleton, Alabama Senate Minority Leader and Greensboro native, exploring run for congress
State media outlets are reporting that Alabama Senate minority leader Bobby Singleton intends to form an exploratory committee to consider running for the U.S. Congress in District 7. Singleton, a native of Hale County, has been representing the 24th District, which encompasses much of the Black Belt, since 2005. Previous to that, Singleton had been... Read More
Shooting erupts at Footwash Saturday, Ryan Hobson killed in crossfire
Local law enforcement agencies have confirmed that one man, Ryan Hobson of Greensboro, was killed over the weekend at the annual Footwash festival in south Hale County. Hobson, who appears to have been only a bystander to the violence, was reportedly stuck by the crossfire when gunshots rang out at the festival that Saturday night.... Read More
Ivey announces $5.5 million, including $1.05 million in Perry, Hale, southwest Ala., for highway law enforcement
Gov. Kay Ivey has awarded more than $5.5 million in grants to support efforts to make Alabama roads safer by preventing injuries and fatalities. Three of the state’s regional traffic safety offices and the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency will use the funds to cover overtime for police officers, sheriffs’ deputies and state troopers to conduct... Read More
MMI will hold annual Family Weekend Oct. 6-7
Marion Military Institute (MMI) is gearing up to host its Family Weekend 2023 on October 6th and 7th. The institute extends a warm invitation to the families of cadets to join in a weekend filled with activities, bonding, and a glimpse into the life of an MMI cadet. The two-day event will kick off with... Read More